Dr. Dra. Fennieka Kristianto, S.H., M.H., M.A., M.Kn.

Corporate and Property (Agrarian and Apartment) Law, Restructuring and Bankruptcy Law, Franchising, and Mediation. Board of Management of APHK (Asosiasi Pengajar Hukum Keperdataan) dan IKAPI (Ikatan Kurator dan Pengurus Indonesia), and GPF (Global Peace Foundation).

Founder of Fennieka & Associates Law Firm (since 2003), Licensed Advocate from Peradi (Indonesian Bar Association), Licensed Reciever & Administrator (Curator), Licensed Mediator, Certified Capital Market Lawyer and Certified University’s Lecturer. Instructor/Facilitator for AREBI and IKAPI (Asosiasi Real Estate Broker Indonesia).