The research team from President University (PresUniv) conducted socialization, observations for a feasibility study in Hegarmukti Village, Cikarang, Bekasi. This team consists of Filda Rahmiati, PhD as the lead researcher, Dr. Ir. Yunita Ismail, M.Si. and Grace Amin, M.Psi. This activity was carried out to continue the Innovative-Productive Research (RISPRO) grant program with the title Pengembangan Desa Wisata Berkelanjutan Berbasis Komunitas untuk Penguatan Perekonomian Masyarakat di Desa Hegarmukti Kabupaten Bekasi. The research team also involved Felix Goenadhi, S.Psi.,M.Par, a lecturer from the Business Administration Study Program at PresUniv and Wayan Wardika, an initiator of the Taro Tourism Village, Bali.
This activity was carried out from 7 to 11 March 2022 in order to explore the potential for the development of the Hegarmukti Tourism Village so that the community can optimize its potential and ultimately improve the economy and welfare of the community. Firstly, the team conducted observations and interviews with the community and local historians to find out the origin of Situ Rawa Binong. “Situ Rawa Binong is one of the natural attractions in the Hegarmukti Tourism Village,” said Filda.
Secondly, the team supported by PresUniv students from various study programs, such as Management, Business Administration, and Environmental Engineering prepared the feasibility study. “The students had the opportunity to directly go into the field, conduct a feasibility study and to see the potential in developing a tourist village, especially in optimizing tourism products related to Hegarmukti Village,” explained Filda. Thirdly, this activity supports the local Micro Small & Medium entrepreneurs’. Finally, the team visited to one of the art centers, namely the Sanggar Cahaya Gumilar (Suryanata, PR team. Photo: Filda Rahmiati.)