Lecturers and Students of Agribusiness Study Program, President Univ, Visit the BRIN Laboratory at Botanical Gardens, Bogor

December 7, 2022

Lecturers and Students of Agribusiness Study Program, President Univ, Visit the BRIN Laboratory at Botanical Gardens, Bogor

On Friday (2/12), a group of students and lecturers from the Agribusiness Study Program at President University (Presuniv) visited the Center for Plant Conservation Research (Pusat Riset Konservasi Tumbuhan or PRKT), Botanical Gardens and Forestry, Bogor. This PRKT is managed by the National Research and Innovation Agency (Badan Riset dan Inovasi Nasional or BRIN). Accompanying the visit were the Dean of Faculty of Business, Maria Jacinta Arquisola, BA, Ph.D., MHRM, and the Head of the Agribusiness Study Program, Dr. Dani Lukman Hakim. While at PRKT, the Presuniv group was accompanied by Surya Diantina, a researcher at the institution.

Dani Lukman explained, “This visit is to increase students insight and knowledge about importance of environmental conservation and biodiversity.” While at PRKT, the group visited a plant conservation laboratory. “Until now, we have conserved 2,500 plants. Most of what we conserve are rare plants, which are difficult to breed and only grow in specific locations,” said Surya Diantina.” For example, for orchids, there are already 200 plants being conserved, including through in vitro technology. After visiting the plant conservation laboratory, medicinal plant garden, and Griya Angggrek, the group then headed to the BRIN office to continue the visit with discussions with the PRKT management team. (JB Susetiyo, PR team) (Photo: JB Susetiyo).

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