Sunday (29/5), President University (PresUniv) held a webinar entitled bertajuk Pilih Jurusan Sesuai dengan Passion Kamu. The webinar was presented by three speakers, namely Victor Jastine, Founder and CEO of Maze Build, Fedie Mulia, Founder and Director of Halofresh, and Angga Hardian Anugrah, Business Manager of Lagio Home. These three speakers are experts in their respective fields. The speakers offered their perspective on the opportunities in their fields of expertise covering architecture, digital agribusiness, and interior design. In this webinar, they conveyed their line of business and career opportunities in these three fields.
In choosing a college major, in addition to following his passion, Fedie suggested continuing to seek information about business and industry developments locally and globally. “Agribusiness has changed. In the past, activities were carried out manually, now it has turned into semi-automation, due to very rapid technological developments, especially in the last five years,” he explained. Fedie added that the search for this information can provide an overview of careers in the future.
Meanwhile, Angga delivered the material in the field of interior design and industry. He revealed, the interior design industry continues to grow even during the pandemic . According to Angga, “To survive, an interior designer must always be up to date, especially in terms of design trends and material availability. ” In the field of architecture, Victor said, the trend of Indonesian architecture is to move to towards green and sustainable buildings. “For example one of the changes is to increase the natural openings in a house to reduce energy use from lighting and air conditioning. This will reduce the impact on the environment,” he explained. (Gilang Suryanata, PR team. Photo: Gilang)