In commemoration of World Earth Day, the Indonesian Environmental Scientists Association (IESA) and PT Unilever Indonesia Tbk. held a webinar on Plastic Waste Supporting Circular Economic Resources Towards Green Indonesia, Friday (23/4). The webinar hosted by Dr. Ir. Yunita Ismail Masjud, M.Si, Lecturer of the Environmental Engineering Study Program, President University (PresUniv), and presented four speakers, namely Ari Sugasri, SH, Head of the Sub Directorate of Specific Waste and Recycling, Ministry of Environment and Forestry, Nurdiana Darus, M.Sc., Head of Corporate Affairs and Sustainability Unilever Indonesia, Prof. Ir. Made Sudiana Mahendra, M.App. Sc., Ph.D., Head of Environmental Science Doctoral Study Program, Udayana University, and Putra Fajar Alam, S.Si., MT., CEO and founder of
Quoting the 2018 Indeks Perilaku Ketidakpedulian Lingkungan Hidup Indonesia Report from Badan Pusat Statistik, 72% of Indonesians do not care about waste management. Ari said, this indifference is the highest when compared to other activities related to the environment. He explained three approaches in waste management, namely minimal waste, services and technology, and circular economy. “The concept of a circular economy is the ideal thought, because Indonesia still really needs economic growth,” he said.
In line with Ari, Prof. Mahendra said, “The main obstacle in waste management is the lack of public awareness. Meanwhile, the lowest obstacle is the lack of coordination between institutions.” Waste can be managed through a waste bank. However, according to Putra, there are four problems, namely the waste bank system, lack of public awareness, government involvement, and industry involvement. Another speaker, Nurdiana, emphasized that waste, including plastic waste, is a common problem. So, collaboration is important. “Unilever continues to strengthen collaboration with similar industries in applying the circular economy concept,” he said. (Gilang Suryanata, PR team. Photo: Gilang Suryanata)